Its was sculpted under the supervision of Takahashi Kazuki, Dark Magician Girl is the most loyal 3D representation of a cute magical girl in Yu-Gi-Oh! You make sure that she is a part of your deck in the game world and part of your display case in the 3D world.
Her robes flare out prettily, giving her an ethereal appearance, and the golden swirls on her witch’s hat and the star on her badge show her class. Her posture is both adorable and alluring, that confident smile alone is part of this girl’s power. Her package comes with an extra face part, so change them around for more display options.
No king of games could miss this card, Dark Magician Girl also include a bonus Kuribo keychain and a newly illustrated mini-poster comes in March 31, 2011, its around 180mm tall and will cost about ¥6,800.
Source: Neko Magic
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